Pre Conference Programme
PhD. Colloquium. Tuesday Oct. 1
Remember the PhD. Colloquium takes place in a different venue: Campus Catalunya – Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Sala de Juntes) - Map
11.15-11.30 - Reception of participants
11.30 - 13.00 - Session 1: Users perceptions
- Tobias Hilt - Examining Voters’ Ability to Detect Different Types of Vote Manipulation.
- Léo Louistisserand - Toward secure postal voting.
13.00 - Lunch Break
14.30 - 15.50 - Session 2: Trust and political views
- Bogdan Romanov - Trust in Online Voting under Different Regime Settings: Evidence from Public Opinion on Online Voting in National Elections in Estonia and Russia.
- Gilles Mentré - New possibilities offered by e-voting: a philosophical and political perspective.
15.50 - Coffee Break
16.10 - 17.30 - Session 3: Security
- Jose Luis Martin-Navarro and Damián López - From paper to practice: How to secure an electronic voting protocol design, implementation and deployment.
- Christina Nissen - Investigating Voters' Perceptions of Coercion and Coercion-Resistant Solutions in Internet Voting.
Day 1. Wednesday Oct. 2
8.00 - Registration opens
9.00 - Opening Ceremony
9.30 - Keynote Speech
- Michelle Brown (Curious Fox Labs - USA) - Artificial Intelligence in Elections.
10.30 - Coffee Break
11.00 - Session 1: Coercion and Receipt -Freeness (I) - Chair: Roberto Araujo.
- Rosario Giustolisi and Maryam Sheikhi Garjan - Efficient Cleansing in Coercion-Resistant Voting.
- Peter Roenne, Tamara Finogina and Javier Herranz - Expanding the Toolbox: Coercion and Vote-Selling at Vote-Casting Revisited.
- Enka Blanchard and Peter Y. A. Ryan - The peasants are revoting, sire, and at random times.
12.30 - Coffee Break
12.45 - Session 2: Lessons from the field (I) - Chair: Oliver Spycher.
- Florian Moser, Michael Kirsten and Felix Dörre - SoK: Mechanisms Used in Practice for Verifiable Internet Voting.
- Vladimir Misev, Beata Martin-Rozumilowicz and Liisa Past - Improving the Observation of ICT in Elections: Widening the Methodological Scope.
13.30 - Lunch Break
14.30 - Session 3: Coercion and Receipt Freeness (II) - Chair: Roberto Araujo.
- Rafieh Mosaheb, Peter Roenne, Peter Y A Ryan and Sara Sarfaraz - Direct and Transparent Voter Verification with Everlasting Receipt-Freeness.
- Thi Van Thao Doan, Olivier Pereira and Thomas Peters - Threshold Receipt-Free Single-Pass eVoting.
15.30 - Coffee Break
16.00 - Session 4: Governance of electronic and online voting around the world - Chair: David Duenas-Cid.
- Sylwester Oracz and Anna Frydrych-Depka - Dream of i-voting versus the reality of digitization of electoral processes - case study of Polish “Party Proxy” app.
- Nicole Goodman, Helen Hayes and Stephen Dunbar - Absentee Online Voters in the Northwest Territories: Attitudes and Impacts on Participation.
16.45 - Coffee Break
17.00 - Session 5: Usability and User Experience - Chair: Oksana Kulyk.
- Veronique Cortier, Pierrick Gaudry, Anselme Goetschmann and Sophie Lemonnier - Belenios with cast-as-intended: towards a usable interface.
- Chiara Spadafora, Laura Cristiano and Riccardo Longo - Click and Cast: Assessing the User Experience of Vote App.
- Marie-Laure Zollinger, Peter Roenne, Steve Schneider, P. Y. A. Ryan and Wojtek Jamroga - Intelligo ut Confido: Understanding, Trust and User Experience in Verifiable Receipt-Free E-Voting.
18.30 - Guided tour to Roman Tarraco - Voluntary cultural activity.
Day 2. Thursday Oct. 3
9.00 - Keynote Speech
- Feng Hao (University of Warwick - UK): End-to-end verifiable e-voting, a cryptographic perspective.
10.00 - Coffee Break
10.30 - Session 6: Building trust and mitigating distrust - Chair: Leontine Loeber.
- Leo Fel - A Framework for Voters’ Trust Repair in Internet Voting.
- David Duenas-Cid - Trust, distrust and failure: Revisiting the use of electronic voting in the Netherlands (2006/07).
- David Duenas-Cid and Vladimir Misev - Challenging the idea that Verification tools create trust: they serve as distrust mitigation tools.
11.45 - Coffee Break
12.00 - Session 7: Lessons from the field (II) - Chair: Ryan Macias.
- Philip Stark - When Audits and Recounts Distract from Election Integrity: The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election in Georgia.
- Leontine Loeber - The Digital Service Act and elections.
13.00 - Lunch Break
14.00 - Session 8: Audits and ZK Proofs - Chair: Vanessa Teague.
- Alexander Ek, Michelle Blom, Philip Stark, Peter J. Stuckey and Damjan Vukcevic - Improving the Computational Efficiency of Adaptive Audits of IRV Elections.
- Nicolas Huber, Ralf Küsters, Julian Liedtke and Daniel Rausch - ZK-SNARKs for Ballot Validity: A Feasibility Study.
15.00 - Coffee Break
15.30 - Session 9: Lessons from the field (III) - Chair: Jordi Barrat.
- Carsten Schuermann - Online Voting: Social Elections in Germany.
- Elira Hoxha, Jona Josifi and Daniela Alimemeti - Electronic Voting in Albania: Pilot Implementation, Insights, and Evaluations.
16.30 - Coffee Break
17.00 - Session 10: PANEL - Chair: TBC.
18.00 - DEMO & Poster Session - Chair: Michael Kirsten.
19.00 - Departure to the Gala Dinner
Day 3. Friday Oct. 4
9.00 - Keynote Speech
- Lexi Merrick Boiro (National Democratic Institute - USA): Selling Integrity: Enhancing transparency, accountability, and inclusion in election technology vendors.
10.00 - Coffee Break
10.30 - Session 11: Design, Implementation and Recommendations - Chair: Peter Roenne.
- Christina Nissen, Oksana Kulyk, Melanie Volkamer, Lara Elisabeth Fredrich and Helena Hermansen - Design and Evaluation of Verifiable Voting Systems Based on Tracking Code Verification.
- Diego F. Aranha, Hans-Christian Kjeldsen, Markus Jensen, Andreas Skriver Nielsen and Niklas Bille - Verifying ElectionGuard: a theoretical and empirical analysis.
- Florian Moser, Rüdiger Grimm, Tobias Hilt, Michael Kirsten, Christoph Niederbudde and Melanie Volkamer - Recommendations for Implementing Independent Individual Verification in Internet Voting.
- Roberto Araujo, Marcos Simplicio, Paulo Matias, Eduardo Cominetti and Jacques Traore - Is Benaloh Challenge Suitable for Polling Station Elections?
12.15 - Coffee Break
12.30 - Session 12: RUMP Session - Chair: Michael Kirsten.
13.30 - Closing Ceremony
13.45 - Lunch Break
15.00 - Boat tour in Tarragona's Harbour - Voluntary cultural activity.